Monday, July 12, 2010

Information Revolution

I find it interesting how opposed to change we generally are. As you will see in this video, we were so used to complex filing systems and having to hunt for information that we just accepted the difficulty. As we moved into the 21st century we slowly began to realize the potential of the internet. We could share and search for information more quickly and efficiently than ever before. Better yet, information now is able to find us. Sites like Wikipedia are a great representation of how the web and information is evolving. It doesn't sleep, slow down, or take breaks. It's constantly changing.


  1. This video was very interesting. It compounded on the ideas (and used the same style) as the web 2.0 video that the Professor uploaded. It makes many interesting points. Modern technology has changed the way things are organized, found and stored. Web searches allow you to find information on so many different topics with just a few keystrokes. No more need to search through card catalogs and remember how to use the Dewey decimal system. Information is at our fingertips. New issues involving sorting out and filtering amateur data and opinions from expertise and facts are now the new issues.

  2. I remember being little and going to the going though cards to find a book. This is something we will never have to do again. The one great thing is I can see if the book is there before I go. That is if I even go I can most likely find the book online now. This video does a great job of showing how the internet has changed things. Great video really shows how things have changed. Now if we can just all figure out the good information from the bad information on the internet.
