Thursday, July 8, 2010

Potential benefits of using visual technique in instructional design.

Mind mapping and the visual techniques involved are best compared to a cheat sheet of sorts. Often times we find ourselves attending presentations, classes, or other various events where we don't want to forget the information being presented to us. In using a visual technique we save time because of the added simplicity it gives. We are also able to find information more easily rather than browsing lengthy notes creating less hunting. Other benefits include being able to spend more time listening or paying attention in a note taking scenario because you are simply noting the key points. And by just jotting those key points down it makes for an easier reference at later times. Two other key points are we can consolidate information into a more easily digested form and it allows for a different way to solve complex problems in a straight forward manner.

Much like thinking out loud, mind mapping is a creative, sometimes messy, and yet effective means of brainstorming, note taking, and problem solving.

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